An acclaimed poet twittered

a memo not to himself

but to poets

and that


had a


it was #14

and fourteen read

“Difficult” does not necessarily mean “Deep”.

That tweet somehow spoke to me

even though I had

never asked

for it


why I’ve

got to answer it

with a sort of question

Yes, professor

I have to agree with your fourteen

‘cause I myself found it a little difficult

to take your order and your lore

did not feel deep

at first sight

But even though I cannot capitalize




I do agree

that difficult

is no necessity

for the whisper or rumble

to cross all protective plating

around our adaptations to insanity

and resonate where

simple sincerity



Wondering about deep in there out there and somewhat somewhere

between blown up emotions quartered thoughts and pressing silence

I find my guts long enough to foretell a connection

and the birds circling above press for a question

That is why I have to ask you about opacity

and where denseness lies

in your charting

of the deep

Daniel Graziadei 2017